Tuesday, February 10, 2015

10 Small Things You Can Do Right NOW To Get Healthy

Style Crush is very excited to introduce our first ever guest blogger! We understand first hand the demands of work and home, and the hopes of carving out some time in the week for yourself. Regular exercise and healthy eating can seem impossible and easily slips to the bottom of your to do list. That is why we asked our good friend and personal trainer Laurie Belvedere to share with you with some quick tips that will help keep your healthy living goals on track!

If you've lost your way with your personal health goals, you are not alone. Instead of getting frustrated, try doing one new thing a day to help get closer to a better you (can't you hear her voice deep down inside of you?). Whatever those goals are, they will not be accomplished without some hard work and persistence (but you knew that already). Don't waste another day, the time will pass regardless! Make NOW your happiest and healthiest time of your life! 

Laurie's Quick Tips!

Set small realistic goals and p
ut them in writing, or better yet, tell a friend. Accountability is everything. Check in with each other and offer support when the other stumbles. Sometimes a quick text exchange can curb the strongest of cravings.

Make note of why you are setting those particular goals
. Keep your eye on the prize, whether it's an event you need a special dress for or an upcoming vacation. Once you're well on your way you won't want to stop.

If you fall off course, forgive yourself and start back at it.
If you're looking for perfection, you WILL fail. It took you a long time to gain the weight, give yourself time to lose it. Remember, lose the weight slowly and it will stay off longer.

Don't let a small cheat discourage your progress or carry over into a weekend/week of indulgence.
The worst idea ever is to start your diet / get back on track "tomorrow". That just opens the flood gates to keep indulging. Instead, take note of what made you falter and promise to choose better at your next meal.

Record your food, you will be surprised at all the little extras you sneak in.
Commit to writing down what you eat for 3-5 days. You will be shocked once you see a list of all the little nibbles you take in throughout the day. You might even see a pattern (ie. you eat more at night or when making lunches for the kids). Once you know your weaknesses, you can take steps to correct them. If you have a smartphone, download calorie counting apps such as My Fitness Pal. You set your goal, enter what you eat and it will keep track of your calories and progress. They add up fast!

Eat as clean as possible, load up on veggies, lean meats and fish.
It's hard with a busy lifestyle, but even small changes will go a long way. Make sure you add veggies to your lunch and dinner. And instead of frying, try steaming and adding some fresh herbs to taste. Switch up your white rice for some quinoa (keen-wa). It's not as scary as it sounds and tastes great! You can even try it with your pasta sauce in lieu of noodles.

Stick with whole grain carbs.
 Start small and challenge yourself to try one new whole grain food a week. Instead of a bagel for breakfast, have oatmeal (not the instant kind) with berries. Replace the white bun sandwich at lunch with 100% whole wheat bread. Instead of a potato side at dinner, give beans a try. A chickpea or black bean salad will complement any dish. There are endless recipes online, or ask a friend. Everyone should know one good healthy side dish.

Stay away from processed foods.
 If it comes in a package, box, bag or tub, it's probably not going to help you reach your goal. You've had cake before and you will have cake again. Just not right now.

Drink tons of water.
 Try to keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times. When you're having a moment of weakness, a good chug will help make your belly full. And the craving will pass, I promise. And it will do wonders for your skin too.

Eat small meals every few hours.
Don't let yourself get too hungry, otherwise chances are you will eat too much at your next meal. Have an apple and some peanut butter, or carrots and hummus in between lunch and dinner. It will keep you more satisfied than a bag of chips or chocolate bar. Keep a small bag of nuts in your car, purse or office drawer for emergencies.

Laurie is the owner of RYP Fitness, a small intimate fitness studio in Mississauga. She is a certified personal trainer, happy wife, and super busy mother of three active boys and one equally active German Sheppard puppy! Laurie is offering a FREE personal training session for your first visit. Grab a friend and don't miss out on this great deal! Visit www.rypfitness.ca to book your spot (and tell them Style Crush sent you)!

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